Since your treating Super Specialist has evaluated your health, Diagnostic/Radiology reports and treatments taken to you so far and have come to conclusion that the current treatments given to you or available in India are not adequate for better control on the disease progression/treatment, you have been prescribed with this latest medicine.

No. As of today, this medicine has not been approved by the Drug Controller General Of India (DCGI) hence no one is not allowed to import it for Sale & Purchase in India.

Yes. This medicine is approved by USFDA/European FDA for human use and has been prescribed by the super specialists for many years, worldwide.

You can get this Medicine in India only when you have been prescribed this therapy by any Super-Specialist of India. You should have a VALID and RECENT Prescription.

No, we do not sell rather we just FACILITATE the Procurement of this Medicine in India, but the Fact is that NO COMPANY is allowed to sell this medicine or such not approved Medicines by DCGI, in India

BEWARE: If Any person/company is selling this or such IMPORTED Medicines in India either in CASH/ONLINE Payment Mode, you should Check about this from or Report to the below contact details, as they may be SPURIOUS MEDICINES.

A.    Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, Kotla Road, Near Big Advantage Media, LNJP, Colony, Delhi Gate, New Delhi, Delhi 110002,  Phone – 011-2321 6367, Toll-Free No. 1800 11 1454

B.    Drugs Controller General of India (Off): 011-23236965, 011-23502913 (D), 91-11-23236973. E-mail: dci@nic.in.

No. It is not difficult rather Very Simple. You should always prefer to buy such Imported Medicines DIRECTLY from International Companies and that too with all legal Documents like International Co. Invoice, Air Way Bill (AWB) and Bill Of Entry (BOE). Rest all medicines can be considered as SPURIOUS MEDICINES.

Yes, We do. Since we facilitate the Procurement of Medicines directly from the International companies and that too with all Legal Documents like International Comp. Invoice, Air Way Bill (AWB) and Bill Of Entry (BOE), we Guarantee for it.

You will get the PROFORMA INVOICE in your/your patient’s name. directly from the international company based on which you can make the payments directly into its bank account.

You should ALWAYS look for below listed documents while procuring Imported Medicines.

  • Permit for the Import of the Small Quantities of Drugs for Personal use (Form-12B).
  • Proforma Invoice (PI) from the international company, before making the payments.
  • Commercial Invoice (CI) from the international company, after making the payments.
  • Air Way Bill (AWB) – Airline Document, a proof of Transfer of Shipment from other country.
  • Bill Of Entry (BOE) – Proof Of product Entering into India from other country.
  • Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) – issued by GOI for waiving off the Import Duty of 28%.

We Strongly suggest you to buy this Imported Medicine from those companies as this would save you money. But keep in mind.

  • They should not sell directly to you in Cash/Online Payment as they are not Licenced / Allowed to do so. It’s Illegal in India. Check for this Or Report at DCGI / CDSCO Contact details (shared in FAQ No.5) for your confirmation.
  • If the other company’ quote is less costing, you should buy, provided they supply you the medicines with all the documents, listed in our FAQ No. 9. This will be the BEST deal for you.
  • If none of the Above then DO NOT Waste your Hard earned money as Medicines are Illegally Imported and are Spurious, Fake Medicines.

It would take you 12-17 Working Days as it requires Govt Approvals/Certificates and coordination with an International company.

How those companies would provide you faster (in a day or two) we do not know but do Ask them for all the documents listed in our FAQ No. 9 at the time of buying the medicines.

No. We can not accept Cash as we are not allowed to do so. IT IS ILLEGAL. If other Companies are accepting Cash, then check for this Or Report at DCGI / CDSCO Contact details (shared in FAQ No.5) for your confirmation. It’s Illegal in India.

Please do not buy if they are not selling the Medicines with all the documents issued by Govt of India as these Medicines are not approved in India for sale. You will be provided with the ILLEGALLY Imported Medicine with NO COLD CHAIN Facility and SPURIUOS / FAKE Medicine.

These are all Very Large Sized international Companies and are bound to follow SOPs of Healthcare very strictly. Cold Chain Management is one of those SOP’s. They have tie up with FedEx and DHL Worldwide for shipping such parcels with DATA LOGGER- A device which records the temperature while in Transit.

We are 24 Hours * 7 Days Available through our Website and Mobile Numbers?